The scope of the new law draft submitted for vote in the Parliament are the ethical, financial and educational rules that should preside in the life of those participating in the state. The reforms are similar to those introduced by Solon in Ancient Athens. It goes without doubt that without deviations from the principles of the Constitution, the community of politicians representing all public servants is obliged to deal with the following dilemma: to serve the public or to be privileged pilferers of democracy?
The proposal includes a set of rules divided into categories of civil servants, e.g. parliament or carrier politicians, legislators, judges, auditors. Special rules concerning the private sector i.e. journalists and publishers. A common rule which concerns all public servants is the salary that is determined as equivalent with the minimum wages of the public and the private sector.
Another common rule is the mandatory participation in all grades of Public Education from the first to the last degree, as well as in the state social security funds. Specifically, if a citizen has followed more than one third of his primary education (e.g. first to third grade) in a private school he/she is excluded from participating in the state services and offices. The same applies in the case of systematic hospitalization in private clinics in Greece or abroad.
Permanency will be granted to citizens above 45 years of age that have participated in social and political activities and have been positively evaluated through systematic procedures.
A prerequisite for participating in politics -apart from university degrees- is to have a term in productive procedures. Indicatively we mention: one year as an industry worker, one year of work in agriculture, one year in social services, one year as manager in production units or services. All servants and politicians will be offered accommodation in an environment correspondent to the standard of living of the 50% of the community they serve or represent.
All employees are obliged to bestow the co-management of their personal assets to the State for as long as they offer their services.
A special service will coordinate yearly subsidized travels that aim to expand knowledge on issues of financial and social management. Social relations of civil servants and politicians with representatives of the social classes as entrepreneurs, union representatives etc are strictly forbidden.
Any proposals coming from entities should be delivered in writing, examined, and answered within a specified timetable.
Reforms are compulsoryProfessor of Pantion University Dimitris Theodorou commented the bill draft and mentioned the following:
“Undoubtedly, the system of governance has reached a serious halt. This is a result of the ability of financially powerful centers to exercise authority and determine thus willingly or unwillingly the moral terms with which people relate to each other and lead their lives. Individualism is deified and enlarged to a supreme mean to an end to the detriment of the community which is diminished and breached, translated in the citizen’s consciousness as an ideal pillaging field.
In essence, we refer to a non-culture and a non-society, notions that in their positive aspects have as prerequisites the growth and progress of the collective. Under these circumstances a procedure of reform is compulsory, since it will aim against the causes that create this social disintegration. In times where the “Law of God” is out of place and cannot impose a just or unjust collective spirit, the void must be covered by “Man’s Laws” which will emerge from his conscious effort to co-exist and develop viably -not necessarily in quantity but certainly in quality.”
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