> NEWSPAPER | English Edition
The UN subverts the international economy status:
An important resolution of the UN Security Council rendered all armament production of any kind and for any use illegal from January 1st 2009. The same applies for citizens, countries or federations that sell or possess them. This resolution, even though it caused frustration to many potential buyers -especially nations, since they had reserved significant funds to acquire these systems- it has been considered obligatory due to the tight pressures imposed a long time now and to all directions by the defense industries themselves.
It’s characteristic that significant investors around the world have withdrawn their capital due to moral grounds. A milestone in this long-awaited development was the speech of the CEO of Lockmeed Hartin, Daniel Levinson in which he stressed that the primary condition for the survival of humanity is a balanced relation between economic growth and prosperitywhich will penetrate all levels of society, combined with strong morals and a cultural cohesion of the social grid.
This turn -as expected- has ignited international reactions coming mainly from the workforce of this industry that amounts to hundreds of thousands of employees globally and who are now naturally worried about their future.
Apart from that, three African member-states of the UN submitted an application to withdraw from the organization as a statement of their objection on the aforementioned measure. It’s certain that intensive deliberations of the UN with these countries will begin immediately, nevertheless the progress of the talks is uncertain due to interests directly or indirectly served, which will influence the decisions of these countries beyond any moral basis.
In Athens, upheavals flammed up by outraged employees of the Hellenic Aerospace Industry and the Hellenic Arms Industry. Spirits calmed down only after the Minister of Industry, Achilles Palaiokrasas assured the workers that they won’t lose their acquired labor rights since production will shift to other directions. The UN resolution was warmly accepted by the Industry Manufacturers Association and the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church.
Startling decisions of the 3rd Panreligion Synod:
After 84 days of deliberations between 137 representatives of religions and dogmas the 3rd Panreligion Synod summarized its decisions in a brief two page text, unique for the current status of humanity. Reactions of amazement comimg from all social groups have not been recorded yet, since the text was published at dawn today. Since the imprortance of the original text dictates its thorough study and deep comprehension, we present it in full below:
Chapter 1
1. Humanity in its entire course, the degree that this course is known to us, has evolved hand-in-hand with its gods.
2. In this course, on the one hand glorious memorable deeds and on the other hideous inhuman crimes evoking pain were attributed by man to the will of his gods.
3. Today, as well as in any other time the gods are called to fight the wars of mortals, to sanctify their hatred, to name their prejudices and fears as the “Divine command”.
Chapter 2
1. More than once, religious communities were transformed into mechanisms through which the few sought wealth and power.
2. Often people in the name of Gods traded on poverty, human suffering, the fear of death, the need for faith and hope in order to acquire benefits of many kinds.
Chapter 3
1. The Gods existed before the creation of man and will continue to exist after his extinction, uninfluenced by the way human imagination pictures their form and indifferent to man’s deeds.
2. Humans seek the idea and the image of God as well as harmonization with him. This is considered their highest obligation and they act accordingly each time up to the point that their perception and knowledge allows them.
Chapter 4
1. The supremacy of humans on Nature is phenomenal and nonetheless temporary. God and Nature are identified and man cannot conquer neither God, consequently nor Nature.
2. The words “greed” and “arrogance” summarize the history of man.
3. Greed and arrogance haven’t harmed and will never harm Nature or Gods simply because greed and arrogance and all of humanity is a part of Nature and the Gods.
4. The combination of greed and arrogance are also the cause of all the troubles men have suffered and will suffer.
Chapter 5
1. The religious communities through their fathers denounce from now on any involvement in mechanisms that reproduce any form of greed and arrogance.
2. They preach the mutual acceptance of all religious doctrines. Supremacy is an illusion. Modesty is the only knowledge.
3. They denounce their engagement in any transaction of material goods and wealth. They bestow all their assets to charitable organizations and the nations.
4. The true House of God is Love and Compassion for our fellow men and for Nature, our life-giving mother. Temples are bestowed to the nations as museums of culture and history.
5. The representatives of the Gods resign from all their privileges, join the societies of men and give with their way of life a living example of denouncing greed and arrogance teaching at the same time love and understanding.
Chapter 6
1. Life can offer ultimate happiness when it is guided by love and knowledge.
2. Life can bring great unhappiness when it is guided by arrogance and greed.
3. Death is the reunion with the Gods and a magnificent moment similar to birth.
4. Fear is not worthy of the grandeur of life and the Gods.
Synod of all Religions and Dogmas
Unpredicted developments for the wider public sector caused by the massive departure of employees and executives, either due to early retirement or mainly through resigning.
In an effort to understand the reasons behind these departures that has brought many state organizations in a dreadful condition due to grave personnel deficiencies, we asked the opinion of two employees: Dimitra Karageorgopoulou, 46, former employee of a social security organization and Vangelis Theodorakis, 42, former employee of a municipality company.
“They called me a rat” says Vangelis Theodorakis
“I didn’t have to try much. To be exact it never annoyed me. As soon as I finished high school, I found a job as a municipality sweeper. I wasn’t raised on cushions so it wasn’t difficult for me. I begun to like it. My duty was to keep the streets clean and it made me happy to see them tidy. I cleaned everything. Under cars and motorcycles. I polished it all, I tell you! Then they started making fun of me. They called me a geek, a rat and similar things. I was confused. I took up a job, got paid for it and wanted to be good at it because it was better than to fail at it. When things got tough, I asked for a transfer. I went to garbage collecting, then to gardeners and so on. The same situation everywhere. Finally, I gave up and found my peace of mind. They’re all pathetic”.
“I was a bad public servant”
Dimitra Karageorgopoulou confesses.
“I was a young girl and I felt insecurity oppressing me. I thought I would get away from it only if I was employed in the public sector. I don’t know where this was coming from. Maybe from my parents. I really don’t know. When I was appointed I calmed down. But before I get the chance to feel happy, I realized that I would spend my whole life working in an indifferent job with no creativity and satisfaction. If I was lucky I would escape from this cage in three decades. I panicked but in a different way this time. As if I was buried in a grave. I started hating my colleagues although it wasn’t their fault. Then I became cynical. I didn’t give a damn and the time I was spending at work was like it never existed the moment I left the workplace. I started to hate myself, and also the people I was supposed to serve. I was a bad servant. Today, reflecting on my behavior I realize I was punishing innocent people, taking revenge for my own misery. I wish I could ask for their forgiveness. Since I resigned, I begun understanding many things about myself.
Now, nothing comes easy but I am not a spoiled child anymore. I won my self-respect. Every effort I make, makes me happy. I’m sure I’ll manage.”
> 4.
The Legislative Parliament Committee left the world of politics speechless.
OF THE HALF OR OF THE "HOLON" ("total"-"of all" in Greek)
The scope of the new law draft submitted for vote in the Parliament are the ethical, financial and educational rules that should preside in the life of those participating in the state. The reforms are similar to those introduced by Solon in Ancient Athens. It goes without doubt that without deviations from the principles of the Constitution, the community of politicians representing all public servants is obliged to deal with the following dilemma: to serve the public or to be privileged pilferers of democracy?
The proposal includes a set of rules divided into categories of civil servants, e.g. parliament or carrier politicians, legislators, judges, auditors. Special rules concerning the private sector i.e. journalists and publishers. A common rule which concerns all public servants is the salary that is determined as equivalent with the minimum wages of the public and the private sector.
Another common rule is the mandatory participation in all grades of Public Education from the first to the last degree, as well as in the state social security funds. Specifically, if a citizen has followed more than one third of his primary education (e.g. first to third grade) in a private school he/she is excluded from participating in the state services and offices. The same applies in the case of systematic hospitalization in private clinics in Greece or abroad.
Permanency will be granted to citizens above 45 years of age that have participated in social and political activities and have been positively evaluated through systematic procedures.
A prerequisite for participating in politics -apart from university degrees- is to have a term in productive procedures. Indicatively we mention: one year as an industry worker, one year of work in agriculture, one year in social services, one year as manager in production units or services. All servants and politicians will be offered accommodation in an environment correspondent to the standard of living of the 50% of the community they serve or represent.
All employees are obliged to bestow the co-management of their personal assets to the State for as long as they offer their services.
A special service will coordinate yearly subsidized travels that aim to expand knowledge on issues of financial and social management. Social relations of civil servants and politicians with representatives of the social classes as entrepreneurs, union representatives etc are strictly forbidden.
Any proposals coming from entities should be delivered in writing, examined, and answered within a specified timetable.
Reforms are compulsory
Professor of Pantion University Dimitris Theodorou commented the bill draft and mentioned the following:
“Undoubtedly, the system of governance has reached a serious halt. This is a result of the ability of financially powerful centers to exercise authority and determine thus willingly or unwillingly the moral terms with which people relate to each other and lead their lives. Individualism is deified and enlarged to a supreme mean to an end to the detriment of the community which is diminished and breached, translated in the citizen’s consciousness as an ideal pillaging field.
In essence, we refer to a non-culture and a non-society, notions that in their positive aspects have as prerequisites the growth and progress of the collective. Under these circumstances a procedure of reform is compulsory, since it will aim against the causes that create this social disintegration. In times where the “Law of God” is out of place and cannot impose a just or unjust collective spirit, the void must be covered by “Man’s Laws” which will emerge from his conscious effort to co-exist and develop viably -not necessarily in quantity but certainly in quality.”
During their European Congress that takes place every two years the Communist Parties decided to eliminate the term “revolution” from their fundamental principles. The starting point for their presumptions was a study carried out by the International Center for Marxist Research. In a comprehensive evaluation review of the revolutions of the 20th century it concluded that revolutions “were never a conscious choice of large population groups for the reform of society” but mostly “compulsory acts of self-defense against extreme forms of oppression.”
The necessity of vengeance, as mentioned, is “no longer the fertile grounds that cultivate human consciousness in issues of collectivism and socialism.” It’s clear now that “the social avant-garde is obliged to work constantly in order for the citizens to be educated and show respect to the collective commodities”. In analysis, these are the collective standard of living, the conditions of labor, the collective environment, collective education and collective healthcare.
The first goal now is that communists should be pioneering in “organizing social avant-garde and elevating innovative ideas. Under conditions where the globalized economy can be dealt with only as a historic finality, the progressive forces of the world should fight together and work in all possible ways to be ahead of the rapid developments for the benefit of equality and social justice.”
A harsh critique was expressed on the practices of many national parties that set revolution as their “strategic goal”, postponing under this spectrum solving basic problems of co-existence of individuals and social groups and projecting them to an ideal future without sufficiently or merely analyzing all the existing conditions of labor and life of the citizens. As mentioned, “communists appear as disaster-preaching messiahs and this results in them being astranged both from the people but also by significant ranks of progressive individuals whom they always dealt with suspicion and animosity.”
And continues that in other cases “through contradictions we marched along with all kinds of sectoral interests in order to establish alliances that unfortunately were proven to be brief and also erosive, as far as the development of the feelings of collectiveness, solidarity and social responsibility are concerned, sentiments that ought to burden the shoulders of each citizen and each social group with a socialistic consciousness.”
The representatives of the Greek Communist Party walked-out of the Conference characterizing it as a betrayal towards the objectives and the principles communists ought to serve. A severe criticism of the leadership of the Greek Party followed, implying that certain personalities infiltrated the party leading it to its isolation from social progressiveness and the whole of society.
As far as the departure of the Greek Communist Party is concerned, the resolution of the Conference mentioned: “The isolation of communists from their natural environment of action i.e. the wider subversive movement they should organize and enhance, and moreover their transgression to rear-guards of unionists’ struggles, shall be recorded as a success of the existing status quo and of backwardness.”
The resolution concludes: “Revolution is the every day goal of the individual and of organized groups for social justice, integrity, solidarity and prosperity from the microcosm of the family to the global community. Co-existence, peace and sustainable development are goals that can be materialized through education, self-organization of small social groups, constant social interventions in all levels of structures and the imposition of new structures whenever required. Comrades, co-citizens of the global community, socialism is the future! Socialism or barbarianism!”
Interview of Mr. Makarios Christodoulou to Despina Dimitriou.
“…the most vital function for reproducing humanity has been converted, with the arrival of monotheistic religions and the imposition of the law of the Father-God to an infectious monolith that burdens and crashes the existence of each human being.”
Internationally renowned Professor of Psychology and Rector of the Philosophy Department of Athens University, Mr. Makarios Christodoulou, in a revealing interview interprets fundamental points of his presentation at the conference organized by the Academy of Athens with the subject “And Man created God - The psychological necessity of Deification through time”, attacking sexual taboos and other social obsessions.
Hypnosis and Psychosis!
D.D.: Mr. Christodoulou, your statements have often surprised society. Could you explain with non-scientific terms the meaning of your phrase: “Society is under a state of massive hypnosis and moreover psychosis”.
M.C.: Mrs. Dimitriou, the notions of “normal” - “socially accepted” are a resultant of the way each member of society perceives and receives the behaviour of others. Under this spectrum, I ask you to examine our acceptance of various manifestations of violence, and at the same time our lack of accepting manifestations of sexuality.
For example, bullets, swords, daggers, and stakes can pierce the human body and penetrate it more or less in any TV zone. This imagery is encompassed within the context, if not of normality, surely of the widely accepted.
This of course can be explained. Violence throughout history is constantly the medium that saves the individual, the family, the tribe, the nation from the threat of the “other”. This is the reason why it remains until today the main subject of study in parallel “educational” mechanisms.
Now, imagine yourself witnessing in the afternoon news a vigorous, glorious penis penetrating a woman’s body. I can imagine you ready to shout “It would be scandalous!”
D.D.: Indeed…
M.C.: …because the resultant I mentioned before is not only a result of will, it also determines will. In other words, as you asked me, a massacre is a normal-accepted image, while a sexual act is dealt with as a hideous image.
Thus, the supremacy of this widely accepted resultant proves the collective hypnosis and psychosis. Children play “war” with no remorse, while love with feelings of guilt. Adults consume murder passively every day but experience their sexuality through the peeping hole and with extraordinary twists.
Now, imagine a society where children would flirt free from guilt and on the other hand feel guilt for anything that implies, even as a game, the taking of a life.
D.D.: Can you distinguish a procedure that may change the direction of this resultant?
M.C.: Of course! But it is not likely to happen.
D.D.: What do you mean?
M.C.: Many forces co-exist in society. The avant-garde who can reveal society its “dangerous” side is constantly present, nevertheless scorned and guilty itself. This is an era in which the powers that prevail are carelessness, prosperity and arrogance. There is no need to take care of anything in advance. Economy and growth rates take care of everything. All commercial activities, transactions and productions that secure this growth are rendered legitimate and sanctified. On the other hand, all reactions within the glossy wrap-all seem out of tune, backward, even treacherous!
The Father-God
D.D.: I have a question. Why did this discussion begin in a conference about religion?
M.C.: It’s simple! Exactly because the most vital function for reproducing humanity has been converted, with the arrival of monotheistic religions and the imposing of the law of the Father-God to an infectious monolith that burdens and crashes the existence of each human being.
D.D.: I don’t understand, why are you blaming religion for that?
M.C.: The imposition of laws as a will of the Gods is an old recipe and it is unknown when it was introduced in the society of humans. Libertine that was introduced by the ancient Athenian Democracy brought phenomena of degradation in communities that lacked institutions to promote participation and responsibility of the citizen.
The divine law on the other hand, concentrated the power in the hands of its representatives. Society was moulded and activated around this pole. It’s just that no one would voluntarily offer power to anybody, not even God himself.
Thus, in a certain moment two invincible “tools” were utilized: guilt for sexual desire and the fear of death. And religion as we all know has obtained the copyright for both of these primordial human agonies.
D.D.: So you are actually saying that the counterpart of human consciousness is the divine law?
M.C.: Exactly. When the consciousness of the citizen is missing it is compensated by the Law of God. The difference is that consciousness grows, is taught and cultivated in a thousand ways and efforts in an advanced society that seeks it, while fear simply exists everywhere.
D.D.: Do you think that the confrontation is unequal?
M.C.: Fear is there. Consciousness is an achievement of hardship.
D.D.: Let’s return to the issue of sexual taboos…
M.C.: ...indeed, although we haven’t changed subject. Sexual desire is the infinite vital force of humanity, if not of the whole universe. By denying the grandeur of love the only thing left is to commit massive suicide. And this is exactly what we are doing!
Except if we create the conditions through which humanity shall find the strength to shape its next God. The “self contained Man-God” liberated from guilt for his nature, compromised with death, free to experience the bliss of his inexplicable destiny.
D.D.: Thank you very much.
M.C.: The pleasure was mine.
The UN subverts the international economy status:
An important resolution of the UN Security Council rendered all armament production of any kind and for any use illegal from January 1st 2009. The same applies for citizens, countries or federations that sell or possess them. This resolution, even though it caused frustration to many potential buyers -especially nations, since they had reserved significant funds to acquire these systems- it has been considered obligatory due to the tight pressures imposed a long time now and to all directions by the defense industries themselves.
It’s characteristic that significant investors around the world have withdrawn their capital due to moral grounds. A milestone in this long-awaited development was the speech of the CEO of Lockmeed Hartin, Daniel Levinson in which he stressed that the primary condition for the survival of humanity is a balanced relation between economic growth and prosperitywhich will penetrate all levels of society, combined with strong morals and a cultural cohesion of the social grid.
This turn -as expected- has ignited international reactions coming mainly from the workforce of this industry that amounts to hundreds of thousands of employees globally and who are now naturally worried about their future.
Apart from that, three African member-states of the UN submitted an application to withdraw from the organization as a statement of their objection on the aforementioned measure. It’s certain that intensive deliberations of the UN with these countries will begin immediately, nevertheless the progress of the talks is uncertain due to interests directly or indirectly served, which will influence the decisions of these countries beyond any moral basis.
In Athens, upheavals flammed up by outraged employees of the Hellenic Aerospace Industry and the Hellenic Arms Industry. Spirits calmed down only after the Minister of Industry, Achilles Palaiokrasas assured the workers that they won’t lose their acquired labor rights since production will shift to other directions. The UN resolution was warmly accepted by the Industry Manufacturers Association and the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church.
Startling decisions of the 3rd Panreligion Synod:
After 84 days of deliberations between 137 representatives of religions and dogmas the 3rd Panreligion Synod summarized its decisions in a brief two page text, unique for the current status of humanity. Reactions of amazement comimg from all social groups have not been recorded yet, since the text was published at dawn today. Since the imprortance of the original text dictates its thorough study and deep comprehension, we present it in full below:
Chapter 1
1. Humanity in its entire course, the degree that this course is known to us, has evolved hand-in-hand with its gods.
2. In this course, on the one hand glorious memorable deeds and on the other hideous inhuman crimes evoking pain were attributed by man to the will of his gods.
3. Today, as well as in any other time the gods are called to fight the wars of mortals, to sanctify their hatred, to name their prejudices and fears as the “Divine command”.
Chapter 2
1. More than once, religious communities were transformed into mechanisms through which the few sought wealth and power.
2. Often people in the name of Gods traded on poverty, human suffering, the fear of death, the need for faith and hope in order to acquire benefits of many kinds.
Chapter 3
1. The Gods existed before the creation of man and will continue to exist after his extinction, uninfluenced by the way human imagination pictures their form and indifferent to man’s deeds.
2. Humans seek the idea and the image of God as well as harmonization with him. This is considered their highest obligation and they act accordingly each time up to the point that their perception and knowledge allows them.
Chapter 4
1. The supremacy of humans on Nature is phenomenal and nonetheless temporary. God and Nature are identified and man cannot conquer neither God, consequently nor Nature.
2. The words “greed” and “arrogance” summarize the history of man.
3. Greed and arrogance haven’t harmed and will never harm Nature or Gods simply because greed and arrogance and all of humanity is a part of Nature and the Gods.
4. The combination of greed and arrogance are also the cause of all the troubles men have suffered and will suffer.
Chapter 5
1. The religious communities through their fathers denounce from now on any involvement in mechanisms that reproduce any form of greed and arrogance.
2. They preach the mutual acceptance of all religious doctrines. Supremacy is an illusion. Modesty is the only knowledge.
3. They denounce their engagement in any transaction of material goods and wealth. They bestow all their assets to charitable organizations and the nations.
4. The true House of God is Love and Compassion for our fellow men and for Nature, our life-giving mother. Temples are bestowed to the nations as museums of culture and history.
5. The representatives of the Gods resign from all their privileges, join the societies of men and give with their way of life a living example of denouncing greed and arrogance teaching at the same time love and understanding.
Chapter 6
1. Life can offer ultimate happiness when it is guided by love and knowledge.
2. Life can bring great unhappiness when it is guided by arrogance and greed.
3. Death is the reunion with the Gods and a magnificent moment similar to birth.
4. Fear is not worthy of the grandeur of life and the Gods.
Synod of all Religions and Dogmas
Unpredicted developments for the wider public sector caused by the massive departure of employees and executives, either due to early retirement or mainly through resigning.
In an effort to understand the reasons behind these departures that has brought many state organizations in a dreadful condition due to grave personnel deficiencies, we asked the opinion of two employees: Dimitra Karageorgopoulou, 46, former employee of a social security organization and Vangelis Theodorakis, 42, former employee of a municipality company.
“They called me a rat” says Vangelis Theodorakis
“I didn’t have to try much. To be exact it never annoyed me. As soon as I finished high school, I found a job as a municipality sweeper. I wasn’t raised on cushions so it wasn’t difficult for me. I begun to like it. My duty was to keep the streets clean and it made me happy to see them tidy. I cleaned everything. Under cars and motorcycles. I polished it all, I tell you! Then they started making fun of me. They called me a geek, a rat and similar things. I was confused. I took up a job, got paid for it and wanted to be good at it because it was better than to fail at it. When things got tough, I asked for a transfer. I went to garbage collecting, then to gardeners and so on. The same situation everywhere. Finally, I gave up and found my peace of mind. They’re all pathetic”.
“I was a bad public servant”
Dimitra Karageorgopoulou confesses.
“I was a young girl and I felt insecurity oppressing me. I thought I would get away from it only if I was employed in the public sector. I don’t know where this was coming from. Maybe from my parents. I really don’t know. When I was appointed I calmed down. But before I get the chance to feel happy, I realized that I would spend my whole life working in an indifferent job with no creativity and satisfaction. If I was lucky I would escape from this cage in three decades. I panicked but in a different way this time. As if I was buried in a grave. I started hating my colleagues although it wasn’t their fault. Then I became cynical. I didn’t give a damn and the time I was spending at work was like it never existed the moment I left the workplace. I started to hate myself, and also the people I was supposed to serve. I was a bad servant. Today, reflecting on my behavior I realize I was punishing innocent people, taking revenge for my own misery. I wish I could ask for their forgiveness. Since I resigned, I begun understanding many things about myself.
Now, nothing comes easy but I am not a spoiled child anymore. I won my self-respect. Every effort I make, makes me happy. I’m sure I’ll manage.”
> 4.
The Legislative Parliament Committee left the world of politics speechless.
OF THE HALF OR OF THE "HOLON" ("total"-"of all" in Greek)
The scope of the new law draft submitted for vote in the Parliament are the ethical, financial and educational rules that should preside in the life of those participating in the state. The reforms are similar to those introduced by Solon in Ancient Athens. It goes without doubt that without deviations from the principles of the Constitution, the community of politicians representing all public servants is obliged to deal with the following dilemma: to serve the public or to be privileged pilferers of democracy?
The proposal includes a set of rules divided into categories of civil servants, e.g. parliament or carrier politicians, legislators, judges, auditors. Special rules concerning the private sector i.e. journalists and publishers. A common rule which concerns all public servants is the salary that is determined as equivalent with the minimum wages of the public and the private sector.
Another common rule is the mandatory participation in all grades of Public Education from the first to the last degree, as well as in the state social security funds. Specifically, if a citizen has followed more than one third of his primary education (e.g. first to third grade) in a private school he/she is excluded from participating in the state services and offices. The same applies in the case of systematic hospitalization in private clinics in Greece or abroad.
Permanency will be granted to citizens above 45 years of age that have participated in social and political activities and have been positively evaluated through systematic procedures.
A prerequisite for participating in politics -apart from university degrees- is to have a term in productive procedures. Indicatively we mention: one year as an industry worker, one year of work in agriculture, one year in social services, one year as manager in production units or services. All servants and politicians will be offered accommodation in an environment correspondent to the standard of living of the 50% of the community they serve or represent.
All employees are obliged to bestow the co-management of their personal assets to the State for as long as they offer their services.
A special service will coordinate yearly subsidized travels that aim to expand knowledge on issues of financial and social management. Social relations of civil servants and politicians with representatives of the social classes as entrepreneurs, union representatives etc are strictly forbidden.
Any proposals coming from entities should be delivered in writing, examined, and answered within a specified timetable.
Reforms are compulsory
Professor of Pantion University Dimitris Theodorou commented the bill draft and mentioned the following:
“Undoubtedly, the system of governance has reached a serious halt. This is a result of the ability of financially powerful centers to exercise authority and determine thus willingly or unwillingly the moral terms with which people relate to each other and lead their lives. Individualism is deified and enlarged to a supreme mean to an end to the detriment of the community which is diminished and breached, translated in the citizen’s consciousness as an ideal pillaging field.
In essence, we refer to a non-culture and a non-society, notions that in their positive aspects have as prerequisites the growth and progress of the collective. Under these circumstances a procedure of reform is compulsory, since it will aim against the causes that create this social disintegration. In times where the “Law of God” is out of place and cannot impose a just or unjust collective spirit, the void must be covered by “Man’s Laws” which will emerge from his conscious effort to co-exist and develop viably -not necessarily in quantity but certainly in quality.”
During their European Congress that takes place every two years the Communist Parties decided to eliminate the term “revolution” from their fundamental principles. The starting point for their presumptions was a study carried out by the International Center for Marxist Research. In a comprehensive evaluation review of the revolutions of the 20th century it concluded that revolutions “were never a conscious choice of large population groups for the reform of society” but mostly “compulsory acts of self-defense against extreme forms of oppression.”
The necessity of vengeance, as mentioned, is “no longer the fertile grounds that cultivate human consciousness in issues of collectivism and socialism.” It’s clear now that “the social avant-garde is obliged to work constantly in order for the citizens to be educated and show respect to the collective commodities”. In analysis, these are the collective standard of living, the conditions of labor, the collective environment, collective education and collective healthcare.
The first goal now is that communists should be pioneering in “organizing social avant-garde and elevating innovative ideas. Under conditions where the globalized economy can be dealt with only as a historic finality, the progressive forces of the world should fight together and work in all possible ways to be ahead of the rapid developments for the benefit of equality and social justice.”
A harsh critique was expressed on the practices of many national parties that set revolution as their “strategic goal”, postponing under this spectrum solving basic problems of co-existence of individuals and social groups and projecting them to an ideal future without sufficiently or merely analyzing all the existing conditions of labor and life of the citizens. As mentioned, “communists appear as disaster-preaching messiahs and this results in them being astranged both from the people but also by significant ranks of progressive individuals whom they always dealt with suspicion and animosity.”
And continues that in other cases “through contradictions we marched along with all kinds of sectoral interests in order to establish alliances that unfortunately were proven to be brief and also erosive, as far as the development of the feelings of collectiveness, solidarity and social responsibility are concerned, sentiments that ought to burden the shoulders of each citizen and each social group with a socialistic consciousness.”
The representatives of the Greek Communist Party walked-out of the Conference characterizing it as a betrayal towards the objectives and the principles communists ought to serve. A severe criticism of the leadership of the Greek Party followed, implying that certain personalities infiltrated the party leading it to its isolation from social progressiveness and the whole of society.
As far as the departure of the Greek Communist Party is concerned, the resolution of the Conference mentioned: “The isolation of communists from their natural environment of action i.e. the wider subversive movement they should organize and enhance, and moreover their transgression to rear-guards of unionists’ struggles, shall be recorded as a success of the existing status quo and of backwardness.”
The resolution concludes: “Revolution is the every day goal of the individual and of organized groups for social justice, integrity, solidarity and prosperity from the microcosm of the family to the global community. Co-existence, peace and sustainable development are goals that can be materialized through education, self-organization of small social groups, constant social interventions in all levels of structures and the imposition of new structures whenever required. Comrades, co-citizens of the global community, socialism is the future! Socialism or barbarianism!”
Interview of Mr. Makarios Christodoulou to Despina Dimitriou.
“…the most vital function for reproducing humanity has been converted, with the arrival of monotheistic religions and the imposition of the law of the Father-God to an infectious monolith that burdens and crashes the existence of each human being.”
Internationally renowned Professor of Psychology and Rector of the Philosophy Department of Athens University, Mr. Makarios Christodoulou, in a revealing interview interprets fundamental points of his presentation at the conference organized by the Academy of Athens with the subject “And Man created God - The psychological necessity of Deification through time”, attacking sexual taboos and other social obsessions.
Hypnosis and Psychosis!
D.D.: Mr. Christodoulou, your statements have often surprised society. Could you explain with non-scientific terms the meaning of your phrase: “Society is under a state of massive hypnosis and moreover psychosis”.
M.C.: Mrs. Dimitriou, the notions of “normal” - “socially accepted” are a resultant of the way each member of society perceives and receives the behaviour of others. Under this spectrum, I ask you to examine our acceptance of various manifestations of violence, and at the same time our lack of accepting manifestations of sexuality.
For example, bullets, swords, daggers, and stakes can pierce the human body and penetrate it more or less in any TV zone. This imagery is encompassed within the context, if not of normality, surely of the widely accepted.
This of course can be explained. Violence throughout history is constantly the medium that saves the individual, the family, the tribe, the nation from the threat of the “other”. This is the reason why it remains until today the main subject of study in parallel “educational” mechanisms.
Now, imagine yourself witnessing in the afternoon news a vigorous, glorious penis penetrating a woman’s body. I can imagine you ready to shout “It would be scandalous!”
D.D.: Indeed…
M.C.: …because the resultant I mentioned before is not only a result of will, it also determines will. In other words, as you asked me, a massacre is a normal-accepted image, while a sexual act is dealt with as a hideous image.
Thus, the supremacy of this widely accepted resultant proves the collective hypnosis and psychosis. Children play “war” with no remorse, while love with feelings of guilt. Adults consume murder passively every day but experience their sexuality through the peeping hole and with extraordinary twists.
Now, imagine a society where children would flirt free from guilt and on the other hand feel guilt for anything that implies, even as a game, the taking of a life.
D.D.: Can you distinguish a procedure that may change the direction of this resultant?
M.C.: Of course! But it is not likely to happen.
D.D.: What do you mean?
M.C.: Many forces co-exist in society. The avant-garde who can reveal society its “dangerous” side is constantly present, nevertheless scorned and guilty itself. This is an era in which the powers that prevail are carelessness, prosperity and arrogance. There is no need to take care of anything in advance. Economy and growth rates take care of everything. All commercial activities, transactions and productions that secure this growth are rendered legitimate and sanctified. On the other hand, all reactions within the glossy wrap-all seem out of tune, backward, even treacherous!
The Father-God
D.D.: I have a question. Why did this discussion begin in a conference about religion?
M.C.: It’s simple! Exactly because the most vital function for reproducing humanity has been converted, with the arrival of monotheistic religions and the imposing of the law of the Father-God to an infectious monolith that burdens and crashes the existence of each human being.
D.D.: I don’t understand, why are you blaming religion for that?
M.C.: The imposition of laws as a will of the Gods is an old recipe and it is unknown when it was introduced in the society of humans. Libertine that was introduced by the ancient Athenian Democracy brought phenomena of degradation in communities that lacked institutions to promote participation and responsibility of the citizen.
The divine law on the other hand, concentrated the power in the hands of its representatives. Society was moulded and activated around this pole. It’s just that no one would voluntarily offer power to anybody, not even God himself.
Thus, in a certain moment two invincible “tools” were utilized: guilt for sexual desire and the fear of death. And religion as we all know has obtained the copyright for both of these primordial human agonies.
D.D.: So you are actually saying that the counterpart of human consciousness is the divine law?
M.C.: Exactly. When the consciousness of the citizen is missing it is compensated by the Law of God. The difference is that consciousness grows, is taught and cultivated in a thousand ways and efforts in an advanced society that seeks it, while fear simply exists everywhere.
D.D.: Do you think that the confrontation is unequal?
M.C.: Fear is there. Consciousness is an achievement of hardship.
D.D.: Let’s return to the issue of sexual taboos…
M.C.: ...indeed, although we haven’t changed subject. Sexual desire is the infinite vital force of humanity, if not of the whole universe. By denying the grandeur of love the only thing left is to commit massive suicide. And this is exactly what we are doing!
Except if we create the conditions through which humanity shall find the strength to shape its next God. The “self contained Man-God” liberated from guilt for his nature, compromised with death, free to experience the bliss of his inexplicable destiny.
D.D.: Thank you very much.
M.C.: The pleasure was mine.